
The SpotLight© platform's innovative approach and continually evolving technology provides a deeper understanding of the body's intricate states of being, shedding light on previously inaccessible information. By leveraging its sophisticated analytical capabilities, SpotLight© untangles the complexity of individual health profiles, enabling personalized and effective interventions.

Below the Surface

Health Screening With SpotLight©

isbrg reimagines health screening with its non-invasive SpotLight© technology platform, setting a new standard for access, cost, and stress-free approaches. Unlike traditional methods that often evoke discomfort, SpotLight© removes delays and prioritizes the well-being of individuals, offering a more accessible experience for all.

SpotLight© Platform


SpotLight-19© is a screening method for asymptomatic COVID-19 infection.


SpotLight-THC© is designed to detect cannabis (THC) impairment.


SpotLight-C© is designed to contribute to cancer detection and management.